Thursday, February 27, 2003


As part of a search committee for new faculty, I have found myeself asking applicatns about how they view the role of assessment in their courses. Well, it seems that it is time to turn the tables and ask myself; what role is assessment playing in my classroom and is that the role I want it to play?

With the excess number of students needing extra time in their exam today, it seems that I am not assessing my students properly. I know, in my head, that I don't need to ask everything, but it seems that my heart won't let me shrink the exams to fit a fifty minute time frame.

Perhaps I am too lenient in offeering extra time. Perhaps I should design long exams and enforce strict time limits with the expectation that one hundred percent is not possible. My instincts tell me that this would not be wise, but I need to consider this point further.

As it is late, I will end on this note tonight. But, to quote a modern cultural icon, "I'll be back."

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