Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The Making of Modern Economics

I am about one third of the way through Mark Skousen's The Making of Modern Economics. Although I am learning much I did not know about the role of the French in the early development of economics and expect to continue learning, I find his idiosyncratic style disorienting. He maintains a very free-market perspective in his narrative, judging economists by their adherence to free market principles. The book also repeats facts and other information, leading me to believe that the book is at least partly a compliation of Skousen's previously written materials. I am not sure why we need to know that David Ricardo's teeth fell out while Skousen spends less time on the development of the theories.

I am actually not reading the book, but rather listening to the full 19 hours of the unabridged audiobook available from The suggested musical selections are a bit strange, though I am not sure if they are specific to the audiobook.

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